The harm of plasticizer has become a global hot spots of disputes have been shown to interfere with human endocrine, affect the reproductive system, Taiwan university research team found that plasticizer can cause genetic toxicity, harm human genes, France "specialty chemicals" news recently, newly introduced an ASTM international standards will provide a qualitative method, to determine PVC carpet material contained within the plasticizer on the potential impact of specific adhesives.
According to statistics, in 2012, nearly 87% of global consumption of plasticizer used in plastic products processing, most of which is used in the membrane and cable, also widely used in rubber, coating paint, as well as the production of adhesive. It is predicted that the next 8 years the bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) still will be the highest growth rates in the market demand of plasticizer, the United States after a few years ago the demand of will also return to growth.
Carpet materials including PVC vinyl, experts say, block and broadloom carpet, carpet is industry for many years the fastest growth segment departments, and continue to show strong growth. ASTMD7888 will help ensure including ethylene and PVC carpet material as a green product is being installed, without plasticizer migration problems.
The ASTMD7888 and PVC carpet within the assessment adhesives the standard test method for the effects of plasticizer is set by the D14.10 subcommittee, the agency affiliated to the ASTM international committee subcommittee D14 adhesives. The new standard pay special attention to issues related to the migration of plasticizer. ASTMD7888 before eventually will also be included in a project is still in the planning phase of the new standard floor glue adhesion agent.
In Western Europe plasticizer demand is expected to maintain a state of stagnation, excluding phthalate plasticizer will stimulate the market demand. Consumers concerned about the health and the use of phthalates could further to ban does not contain phthalates and biological base plasticizer increased demand.